
Strategically apply salt (or salt alternatives) prior to and during hazardous winter driving conditions


Salt application on roads should be applied strategically to minimize environmental impacts. Include consideration of salt alternatives (such as brine) and alternative application methods to minimize environmental impacts (i.e., closed loop systems).

Capital Cost

Low/Moderate – salt alternatives may be more expensive than others. Closed loop systems would require upgrading equipment for application but could potentially provide material savings.

Operations & Maintenance

Moderate – dependent of frequency of application


Moderate – application prior to winter storms is effective in improving road conditions and reducing accidents


High – can be applied as needed

Barriers to Implementation

Technical expertise and equipment for salt alternatives and closed loop systems


Ensure that techniques do not exacerbate environmental risks to equity areas/downstream communities, and/or mitigate associated downstream impacts (i.e., ensure applications are monitored to minimize harmful environmental and water quality impacts to communities).
