Improve road shoulders to increase lateral support
Road shoulders typically do not have the subsurface structure built out to the extent that roads do, so improving road shoulders can help provide additional
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Road shoulders typically do not have the subsurface structure built out to the extent that roads do, so improving road shoulders can help provide additional
Permanent or temporary hydration and misting stations at key junctures along rail trails can provide relief from heat.
Provide bus stop shelters to protect riders from the elements. Consider insulated or heated shelters, especially at high-use stops.
Install geosynthetic filtering fabrics (i.e., geotextiles, geogrids, geocells) to reinforce soil.
Install geotextiles on embankments to enhance drainage and strengthen the base of pavement structure. This can include using native dogwood stakes to facilitate natural vegetation
Implement depressed medians (a ditch/swale between divided roadways) to hold stormwater and raised medians (a curbed section that typically occupies the center of the roadway)