
Implement sensor technologies and monitoring programs and increase awareness of monitoring systems


Employ cameras and sensors to help monitor and prepare for a variety of storm events. For example, sensors could be used to monitor rainfall, runoff, water levels, and stormwater systems to prevent flooding. There are also existing camera/monitoring systems across the county, such as local weather and traffic cameras, creek sensors, and USGS stream gauges. In addition to employing new technologies, increasing awareness of existing camera/monitoring systems can help these tools and data be better used across the county.

Capital Cost

Low/Moderate – dependent on monitoring technologies

Operations & Maintenance

Moderate/High – requires consistent monitoring/evaluation over time


Moderate – can reduce disruption by providing more information; can also protect critical infrastructure from outages and trigger interventions such as traffic diversions that may reduce the cost of critical outages


High – sensors can be implemented as needed

Barriers to Implementation

Staffing capacity


Ensure that technologies are equitably distributed across a range of equity areas.
