How is the Climate Changing?
Poughkeepsie Waterfront, Hurricane Sandy
Understanding Climate Change in Dutchess
Resilient Ways Forward begins with an analysis of climate data to better understand how the climate is changing in Dutchess County. We then look at how these changes are affecting our transportation system. The chart below summarizes these findings. Read our Climate Change Summary report and Fact Sheet for more information.
Hazard | Current | Future | Transportation Concerns |
![]() FLOODING |
![]() DROUGHT |
![]() WIND |
For this analysis, we collected data about climate threats from multiple sources, combined with input from stakeholders and the public, and packaged it to show the current and future threats to our transportation system, looking out to 2050 and 2080.
Climate Change Trends Identified in Moving Dutchess Forward
Moving Dutchess Forward, our long-range transportation plan for Dutchess County, examines how to make our transportation system safer, more reliable, and better able to meet people’s basic needs. As part of that plan, we reviewed data to learn how climate change could impact our transportation system, and identified several climate-related trends:
- Rising temperatures
- More extreme weather
- Greater, but uneven, precipitation
- More flooding events
- Impact from sea-level rise and storm surge
- Potential population increase from migration
To learn more about these trends, check out the Climate Change section in Moving Dutchess Forward.
Share Your Story!
Help us understand how the transportation system in Dutchess County is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Click here to send us documentation of how flooding or other extreme weather has affected your ability to travel.
If possible, include a photo, date, and description of the damage caused.